quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009

You Are What You Eat!

The title is related to a UK programme that offers tips and healthy recipes presented by Gillian McKeith.
  What do you have in your fridge? Just take a look at it and then you can realize if your diet is balanced or not. I thought my fridge was a mess.....

Here you have some pictures of different people with their fridges. AMAZING! Do you think they eat properly? Click on this link and SEE THE PICTURES.
A healthy balanced diet contains a variety of foods including plenty of fruit and vegetables, plenty of starchy foods such as wholegrain bread, pasta and rice, some protein-rich food such as meat, fish, eggs and lentils and some dairy foods. It should also be low in fat (especially saturated fat), salt and sugar.
If you want to get the balance of you diet correctly, use the eatwell plate.

The eatwell plate makes healthy eating easier to understand by showing the types and proportions of foods we need to have a healthy and well balanced diet.
Pay attention to what you eat. Is it healthy? Click here and take the test. How healthy are you?

terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2009

Do you Know anyone who has contracted swine flu? Who?

Why the name Swine flu?

This virus was originally referred to as "swine flu" because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in PIGS (swine) in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very differrent from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and bird (avian) genes and human genes. Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant" virus.

Know What to Do About the Flu
  • cover your cough
  • wash your hand frequently
  • if you have a fever, stay home for at least 24hs after that fever has ended
  • get a vaccine when it becomes available.
Symptoms of H1N1:
Click here and watch a video about the symptons.

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

Do you text?

Do you text? I mean, do you send messages from your cell phone?

Você manda muito torpedo? Tem alguma estória para contar? Comente!

"What Have You Done Recently?"

Don't you know? well, you know what you've done, but you don't know how to say that.
When do you use Present Perfect? There are three main possibilities. Here they are:

1. For unfinished past actions.

I have lived here for 10 years.

2. For past actions when the time is not specified.

He has sent me an email.

3. When a past action is relevant now.

I have lost my keys so I can't get into my house!

HAVE + Past Participle verb for I, You, We, They.
HAS + Past Participle verb for He, She, It.

Click BBC and practice the using of Present Perfect.

You can post your examples and comments. Post here as many examples as you can think of for each possibility. Try to make them true for you. So, What have you done recently?

This week's Comic Strip