sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Salário mínimo X Jetta / Minimum salary X Jetta

Há muito tempo algo vinha me intrigando sobre a diferença entre salários mínimos pagos em alguns países, e poder de consumo dos seus cidadãos.

Resolvi fazer a comparação entre quatro países: Estados Unidos, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Brasil.
Peguei como comparativo de produto de mesma qualidade o carro Jetta da Volkswagen, modelo mais básico.

Nos Estados Unidos o salário mínimo é ganho semanalmente, sendo 40 horas legais. A média de valor pago por hora é cerca de $7,50 dólares, sendo assim, se calcularmos 40 horas semanais pelo valor pago por hora, em 1 mês teremos cerca de $1.200,00 dólares (minimum salary).

Na Inglaterra paga-se cerca de £5,93 Libras a hora de trabalho. Lá é legalizado trabalhar 48 horas semanais. Calculando teremos um salário mínimo de cerca de £1.138,53 libras.

Há uma grande discussão sobre salário mínimo na Alemanha. Em geral, não existe por lei um mínimo valor que o trabalhador receba por horas trabalhadas. Mas existe uma média e o valor que se obtém é de cerca de €1.277,00 euros.

No Brasil, as horas de trabalho são pagas por todos os dias do mês, não é pago semanalmente como em outros países. O valor pago por hora nesse país é de R$ 2,48 reais, sendo o dia trabalhado calculado no valor de R$ 18,17, sendo o salário mínimo de R$ 545,00 reais.

Agora vamos considerar o preço do carro Jetta da Volkswagen, modelo mais simples de linha, sedan, 2011, nos três países.

Nos Estados  Unidos o modelo fica em torno de $15.995,00 dólares. O mais caro sai por $ 23.000,00 dólares.

Na Inglaterra o modelo mais básico sai por £16.960,00 libras e o modelo mais caro custa £ 22.320,00 libras.

Na Alemanha o modelo custa em torno de €20.900,00 euros.

No Brasil o mesmo modelo de Jetta, o mais básico custa cerca de R$65.750,00 reais e o top de linha custa R$ 89.520,00 reais.

Nos Estados Unidos, um trabalhador precisaria economizar 13,32 meses para comprar um modelo de Jetta básico.

Na Inglaterra o trabalhador levaria em média 14,90 meses para adquirir um modelo desses. Estamos então falando em pouco mais de um ano.

Na Alemanha, seriam necessários 16,37 meses para comprar o modelo básico.

Já no Brasil...ahhh Brasil, meu Brasil brasileiro, o trabalhador aqui precisaria economizar 120,64 meses. Isso mesmo! Cerca de 10 anos!

Todos somos trabalhadores, todos ganhamos, mas veja a diferença. Temos diferença paga nos salários, que são ínfimos se comparados com os outros três países. E levamos muito, mas muito mais tempo para poder usufruir de um mesmo bem oferecido lá fora. Impostos, taxas, vários nomes justificam o valor do carro no Brasil.

E mesmo sabendo de tudo isso, não reclamamos, não reivindicamos, apenas nos enforcamos para comprar.


Minimum Salary Versus Jetta

For a long time something has been intriguing me in the difference between the minimum salary paid in some countries, and the purchasing power of their citizens.

I decided to compare four countries: United States, England, Germany and Brazil.
I chose as comparative of product of same quality the Volkswagen Jetta car, sedan, basic model.

In the United States the minimum wage is weekly paid, 40 legal hours legally. The average amount paid per hour is about $7.50 Dollars, that is to say, if we multiply 40 weekly hours by the value paid per hour in a month we will get about $1,200.00 Dollars (minimum salary).

In England it is paid about £5.93 Pounds the working hour. There it is legalized to work 48 weekly hours. Multiplying the working hours by the amount paid in a month we will have a minimum salary of about £ 1.138,53 Pounds.

There is a great debate on minimum salary in Germany. In general, there isn’t one by law. But an average found is about €1,277.00 Euros.

In Brazil, the working hours are paid for every day of the month. There is no weekly payment as in other countries. The amount paid per hour is R$2.48 Reais. In a day it is paid R$18.17 Reais, being the minimum salary of R$545.00 Reais.

Now we will consider the price of the Volkswagen Jetta car, basic model, sedan, 2011, in the four countries.

In the United States the model costs around $15,995.00 Dollars. The most expensive comes out for $ 23,000.00 Dollars.

In England the car costs £16,960.00 Pounds and the top model is about £22,320.00 Pounds.

In Germany the model costs around €20,900.00 Euros.

In Brazil the same model of Jetta is sold for R$65,750.00 Reais and the top model costs R$ 89,520.00 Reais.

In the United States, a worker needs to save 13,32 months of salary to buy Jetta.

In England the worker needs about 14,90 months of salary to afford the same car. One year of salaries is necessary to be able to afford the basic model of Jetta.

In Germany, it is necessary to save 16,37 months of salary to buy the basic model.

When it comes to Brazil... ohhhh Brazil, my very Brazilian Brazil, the worker needs to save 120,64 months of salary. Quite so! About 10 years!

We are all hard-working people, we all earn our salaries, but see the difference. We have difference paid in salaries, it is pitiful if compared to the other three countries. And we take a lot, but a lot of time to afford it. Taxes, fares, several names to justify the value of the car in Brazil.

And even knowing all this, we don’t complain, we don’t claim, we just get into debt to afford that.

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

Porque ter um certificado TOEIC

O Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) é um teste de inglês para comunicação internacional, mede a habilidade de um estrangeiro da língua inglesa de falar o idioma e também o seu uso, principalmente em um ambiente de negócios (Business English). Foi criado pela ETS (Educational Testing Service), maior centro educacional privado do mundo também responsável pelo teste TOEFL.
É o teste de maior reconhecimento mundial utilizado anualmente por mais de 4,5 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo.
Quem precisa do TOEIC?
  • Profissionais na área de negócios;
  • Recém formados que buscam uma ótima posição no mercado de trabalho;
  • Candidatos a vagas em empresas, multinacionais, que querem se destacar;
  • Candidatos em processo de treinamento que precisarão saber inglês;
  • Alunos, profissionais, que queiram testar sua habilidade no uso da língua inglesa para o mercado de trabalho.

Há dois tipos de TOEIC: Listening & Reading, e Speaking & Writing. O mais procurado é o Listening & Reading.

Esse exame compreende 200 questões sendo 100 questões de compreensão auditiva e 100 questões de leitura. O exame tem duração de 2horas, sendo 45 minutos para o Listening e 75 minutos para Reading.
Há um preparatório para o teste. Existem 2 níveis de preparatório: Intermediário e Avançado. A prova consiste em avaliação por pontuação. Compreende entre 10 pontos (mínimo) até 990 pontos (máximo).
Acesse o link para mais informações (site em inglês) http://www.ets.org/toeic
Comece já a se preparar para o futuro.
Venha fazer o Preparatório para o TOEIC.

Ligue para 11 9809-6431 para mais informações ou mande um email para barbaracrissd@hotmail.com

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011

Blonde jokes (piadinhas de loiras)

A blonde is overweight, so her doctor puts her on a diet. 

"I want you to eat regularly for two days, then skip a day, and repeat the procedure for two weeks. The next time I see you, you'll have lost at least five pounds." 

When the blonde returns, she's lost nearly 20 pounds. 

"Wow, that's amazing!" the doctor says. "Did you follow my instructions?" 

The blonde nods. "I'll tell you, though, I thought I was going to drop dead that third day." 

"From hunger, you mean?" said the doctor. 

"No, from skipping," replied the blonde.

quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

Guys and Dolls

I read an article about a guy and his doll on Metro Newspaper (free on the UK tube) and that shocked me. Why? Well, can you believe a man named Dave Hockey leaves his wife at home and hang around with a doll weighing 40 kg???

Her name is Bianca, she looks young, she doesn't speak, so she doesn't complain! 
Mr Hockey has taken her skydiving. He said: "It is pleasant to not have someone screaming in my ear!"

He has traveled around the USA with his plastic company. He also spent £16,000 (about R$44.800) on travel and outfits (FOR HER!!!!!!!), including £1.270 of lingerie (about R$3.500).
As I researched this issue on the net I found out there is a community just for dolls lovers – iDollators – these people prefer dolls over a normal human relationship.
There is a documentary video BBC made and you can watch a short segment clicking on the link below.
What do you think about people that have this kind of relationship?
Do you think it is just for sex or these people really see a good company in those dolls?
I think it’s Freaky!!!!

segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

What is the ideal company to work?

Hello Everyone...

Due to the competition for jobs, especially in Brazil, we are facing several job opportunities. Sometimes, we can think: What is the ideal company to work? What is necessary to analyse?

Check below some tips:
  •  First of all, you should be looking for a company that is related to some things you like; 
  • Pay attention: Sometimes the smaller company is better than a bigger one;
  • You should verify if the company has conditions to grow financially;
  • It is important to verify what the company image is in the city;
  • What the plans are that the company can offer you;
  • If the salary conditions are according to your necessity;
  • What do you expect from this company?
  • Finally, you are prepared for the interview! Go ahead and good luck!!
Click on the useful link below and do the Quizz: How satisfied are you with your job?

Written by Caroline Andrade

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011


God is the one that planned our lives, otherwise we wouldn't be here at this moment.

I believe in God, and all people in the world have their beliefs . So, you can't argue about religion, because that's the way I think it should be.

You must have your belief, and that will be the way you think. Therefore, I don't argue.

Live your life and don't care about others thoughts, even though you're in a difficult situation, otherwise, you'll be who THEY want you to be, not who YOU want to be.

Written by Luiz Passos

sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

What is the number?

My student, Luiz Passos, came up with this tricky math problem some days ago. And guess what? the answer is my birthday. I found that very interesting.

So, do you think you can solve that? The first person to come up with a solution will have the name posted here.
Tente achar a resposta das frações acima. A primeira pessoa que chegar a solução correta terá seu nome postado aqui no Blog.

Uma dica: para colocar a resposta no seu comentário, você poderá utilizar o excel para te ajudar a digitar os números.

A próxima vez que alguém perguntar o dia do meu aniversário, eu darei estas frações e o mês de Janeiro em seguida.

Boa Sorte!

Very Good! Now we have the answer.

The first person to show it was Leonardo Dorathoto as you can see on the comments.

The second person was Caroline Gomes.

Both were correct. The answer is 7 and the solution was right.


terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

J'aime Paris!

Depending on the intonation you put on the title above, you can really mean that in French, or trying to bring that to our Portuguese, it will have a different meaning, something like '' never more''....

Well, the city is really worth the visit, but there is something I want to tell you about.

French people love dogs! I can tell! You can see this love on the streets, lots of poo all over, ran over by cars, stepped, or still intact!

Most touristic sites have a machine that cleans the street, but if you go far a little, there comes the poo! Watch your step!

I found this sign on the internet that means kind of "if you love your neighbor you will take your dog's poo with a tool, if you don't you'll pay a 150e fine." But I don't think it works, once I had to pay attention to my way, and stop to admire the landscape, 'cause it's impossible to look up the sky and walk at the same time.

Another thing that shocked me was the subway. Gosh! What the hell was that? At first I thought they were refurbishing everything, but NO! It is there for a long time. Not to mention the graffiti on the walls, and trains, and tunnels....

One thing that I liked is shown in this photo, just one car! Different!

Yes! For me it wasn't a romantic city at all. Unless you just take a taxi and stay near the hot spots everything will be perfect, otherwise you will see the dirty side like all big cities.

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011


Coming up soon articles about my new trip to Europe, the details, where to eat, stay, what to see and do.

See you guys.